When prices fall for a prolonged period, investors are better off stuffing cash under the mattress or a safe deposit box. 如果物价在长时间持续下跌,把钱塞在床垫下或保险箱里可能对投资者更有利。
The envelopes are then locked in a safe box. 这些信封也被锁进保险箱。
And how would they get inside your safe deposit box? 那他们怎么拿到你保险箱里的东西呢?
Is that the key to his safe deposit box? 这是他的银行保险箱钥匙吗?
A: Can I rent a safe deposit box? bank's saft custody 银行的寄存保管箱业务
Safe deposit box is a kind of service rendered by the bank that keeps valuables for the renter in the form of renting safe deposit box. 保管箱租赁业务是银行接受客户的委托,以出租保管箱的形式代客户保管贵重物品的一项服务业务。
To leave the game room, Feng Sun and "play" back to the store, once again slipped into the warehouse, a safe deposit box to steal from the last bundle of money. 离开了游戏房,孙峰又“打的”回到了商店,再次溜进仓库,从保险箱内偷出最后一捆钱款。
Here is the key to your safe box. 这是你的保险箱钥匙。
While emptying an unknown amount from the bank's safe deposit box. 抢空了保险箱里不知数额的钱。
You might have to invest in a safe deposit box, or pay higher insurance rates against theft. 你可能不得不买一个保险箱,或支付更高的保险费以防现金被窃。
The drawer type safe deposit box is especially suitable for a tail box of a car, and is suitable for families and guesthouses. 本实用新型特别适用夜间与暗处启闭,不受已有技术不能随意放置的缺点,特别适用于轿车尾箱内使用,也适应家庭、宾馆使用。
In the room there are also a private safe box and mini-bar, and the building is divided into No-smoking Floors, Rose Floors and Commercial Floors. 客房内设有私人保险箱,迷你酒吧、并设无烟楼层、玫瑰楼层和商务楼层。
He said he had withdrawn his savings and placed them in a bank safe deposit box "for security. Who cares about interest right now?" 他表示,他已经支取了自己的存款,将其存放在一个银行保管箱里“以保证安全。现在谁还在乎利息?”
You cannot find a bank safe deposit box in Germany because every single one has already been taken and stuffed with gold and silver. 整个德国连一个空闲的银行保管箱都找不到了,全租出去了里面装满了黄金白银。
He hired a bicycle by the day. A: Can I rent a safe deposit box? 他按日租用自行车。甲:我可以租用保管箱吗?
And hyun-su has a safe deposit box there. 贤洙在那儿有个保险箱。
Please tells the guest, the hotel not to be able to check the valuables and the dangerous material, if must check the valuables, please entrust in the safe box of the front desk. 告诉客人酒店不能寄存贵重物品和危险品,如果要寄存贵重物品,请寄放在前台的保险箱里。
Terms and conditions: refer to the use of safe deposit box by-laws. 条款:请参照保险箱使用章程。
Traveling salesperson class meal, Feng Sun once again slipped into the warehouse, using the previous methods to steal from the safe deposit box in the last stack of money. 乘搭班营业员吃饭时,孙峰再次溜进仓库,采用前次方式从保险箱内偷出最后一叠钱款。
Would you like to open your safe deposit box? 请问是要开保险箱吗?
About the pictures instead of hiding them in a safe deposit box? 关于照片的事情,而是把它放在保险箱里?
I want to rent a safe deposit box. Would you please tell me where the safe deposit boxes are? 我想租用银行保管箱,能否告诉我保管箱在哪儿吗?
The utility model comprises a general and essentially safe vehicle house display box for coal mines and an essentially safe signal box for going upward and downward through well heads. 由矿用一般型兼本质安全型的车房显示箱和本质安全型的上下井口信号箱组成。
How come the safe deposit box is registered in your name? 那为什么保险箱是以你的名字登记的?
But, uh, he did maintain a safe deposit box with us. 但他的确在我们这里存了一个保险箱。
Dad had a safe deposit box? 爸爸有个银行保险箱吗?
But there was one safe deposit box that had no records. 但是有一个保险箱没有记录。
Application of Fingerprint Identification Technology in Safe Box Keeping System 指纹识别技术及其在保管箱管制系统中的应用
Living Fingerprint Identification Technology and Wireless Safe Box Keeping System 活体指纹识别技术与无线保管箱系统
Design and Application of SCM Controlling System in Safe Box 单片机在保管箱控制上的设计应用